into the stories

 FALL 2017
September 28 – October 17
Arun Deva and Jutta Hecht

Yoga, Ayurveda, Temples, Palaces, Forts, Taj Mahal, Regional Cuisines, Tiger Reserve and more…

India is a land full of ancient stories, myths, parables and other ways of conveying deep truths. Through stories called puranas the deep philosophies of yoga are shown as mythological events.

This Retreat is about experiencing some of India’s sights, sounds, colors, smells and immensely alive canvas.

We will also share some of these stories to heighten the experience of the places we visit… 



Sept 28: Arrive Trivandrum early morning: transported on to Somatheeram/Manaltheeram
Sept 28-Oct 2: 5 days of rejuvenation massages, yoga, ayurveda, sightseeing and yummy foods. And of course stories in the evening.
Soak it in as you get acclimatized!

The resort is spread lushly over 15 acres of greenery on a hilltop overlooking Chowara Beach, south of Kovalam and a short drive away from Trivandrum. The gently sloping grounds are sprinkled with traditional thatched cottages and Kerala style wooden bungalows, nestled among native medicinal plants and coconut groves. We will stay in the Special and/or Garden Cottages; independent thatched huts rooming two people.

It is a short walk down to the beach for swimming, morning or evening walks. Along the way down is the swimming pool where you can rest during the day sipping fresh coconut water! The resort has outdoor and indoor yoga rooms. Climbing up the hill you arrive at the Rejuvenation Center with a full staff of Ayurvedic Doctors, where you will receive your daily treatments including abhyanga and shirodhara, Kerala style!
The resort has a thatched restaurant with a panoramic view of the ocean, and delicious Ayurvedically prepared meals (3 vegetarian, dosha specific meals a day are included)

Finally, we will visit Kanyakumari, the southernmost tip of India for a breathtaking sunrise!


Oct 3/4: Fly to Chennai and make our way to Mahabalipuram. Stay overnight overlooking the beach. Next morning visit the Beach Temples and Great Chariots and discover the magical stories behind them, including from the Mahabharata. After a late lunch, continue on to Pondicherry, a short drive away.


Oct 4-7: Pondicherry, the once French enclave, home to Aurobindo, the iconic yogi and great freedom fighter who became a living saint. This quaint town has much beauty and some of the best foods to share with us. We will visit Auroville, a visionary eco-system global city that inspires us to live in harmony with nature and each other: wherever we may be from. Here too we will sit in lush gardens between massive banyan trees whose roots walk on to make new trees themselves. And the spaceship-like golden Matra Mandir for a deep meditative experience.

Oct 7-9: On to Arunachala the sacred mountain, said to be Lord Siva himself! Boy, will we share stories here in the little town of the world famous saint, Ramana Maharishi. Along the way we will visit a small Hanuman temple and a left over temple complex that is not on the beaten track.

Oct 9: After an early morning climb to Ramana Maharishi’s cave of enlightenment and a hearty breakfast we drive back to Chennai to catch out flight to Delhi.


Oct 10/11: Vrindavan! Famous as the home of the cowherd Lord Krishna. Long before he became the Teacher of the Bhagavad Gita and it is here we will here stories from his life and the message of love and unity hidden deep in the Gita for all to find. Visit the sacred cows at the Neem Karoli Baba Ashram and you will see the love in their eyes when they come to greet you. Next day, hop in the bus for a quick ride to the Taj Mahal in Agra. If you have never been here, it is easy to feel awed by it. Or wander around to your hearts content in the home of Lord Krishna if you have already seen the Taj.

Oct 12: We drive to Sawai Madhopur/Ranthambore to visit the jungle and its inhabitants:

Oct 13/14:  colorful, exotic birds, the spotted (and other) deer, antelope, wild boar, crocodiles, possibly leopards and bear. While it is never guaranteed, this is the best National Park to see the majestic tiger. We will also visit a hilltop fort with a stunning view, a beautiful Ganesh Temple and an off the path Tantric Kali/Shiva Temple to do puja in.

Oct 15: Drive to Jaipur, the Pink City. The very heart of this magical land called Rajasthan.

Oct 16/17: Amber Palace by elephant if possible, City Palace, and our favorite place to stay: Diggi Palace. Yes we end our trip very royally. Majestically. And of course, the stories of the romances of the Rajasthani princesses and heroism of their men.

Oct 17: Afternoon flight to Delhi. Straight to the Friends Colony N Block Market for a last minute shopping frenzy. An amazing final Indian dinner. Rest up at the hotel. And for most an early morning of the 18th flight home.

Registration opens April 15.

Write for a pre-Registration Special of $100 off the Early Bird Price. (Valid for all email inquiries received by April 1)

Early Bird Special: $3900
(Deposit of $500 will hold your space and price till May 31. (After that the deposit will be applied towards the next applicable tier)
Regular Price: $4450
(Applicable to all deposits made after May 31 and all payments completed by June 30)
Late Registration: $4700
(Payments made after June 30. Space available)

2 Week Retreat options available: write

Sivananda Yoga Farm, Grass Valley, CA. April 7-9, 2017

This time around, it is less theory and almost all practicum. So, you actually get a taste for why I keep teaching this stuff. This Emotional Intelligence Stuff. The stuff that when functioning clearly, innocently, joyously leads to clear, innocent, joyous thinking and thus actions. Those that support us instead of bushwhacking us. Every. Single. Time.


 GREECE 2017!
JUNE 26 – JULY 6, 2017






$2250 Early Bird Price/$2550 After April 30, 2017.

A deposit of $500 will hold your spot and price till April 30.
After that, your deposit will apply only towards the Full Price*.


(Once we receive your Registration Form, a link for payment through Paypal will be sent to you. If you wish to pay by check, please note that in your Registration Form along with your telephone number.)

The Details:

Vinyāsa Krama literally means the methodology of a fluid practice within set parameters. There are 10 primary and one auxiliary sequences that make up the logic and freedom of the Vinyāsa style of practice in yoga. Within this logic happens the exhilaration of a free fall! This is the possibility inherent within the flexibility of the variations. Then there is the pranayama’s, the chanting, the meditations.

Ramaswami teaching Anjaneya asana advanced version




Ayurveda: So as not to get injured when the practice is not based on a sounder personal logic, the magic of Ayurveda makes sure we stay on the correct trajectory of our free fall: the health and wellbeing we are all seeking to create in our yoga. We will also practice daily living modalities from Ayurveda and study its basic principles.

Nadi Pariksha in Greece

Nadi Pariksha in Greece


Source: Based on the teachings of Srivatsa Ramaswami as transmitted to him in over 33 years of personal practice with the legendary TKV Krishnamachārya and understood by Arun Deva over a decade of practice. Infused with the understandings of Ayurveda through Arun Deva’s over two decades of Ayurvedic practice comes this Free Fall Within Logic.

At dusk
Mani at dusk

Practice: In this unique place we will have a very rare opportunity to practice all 11 Vinyāsa Krama Yoga sequences that comprise the basis of all Vinyāsa Yoga Practice. These teachings will be infused with important secrets from Ayurveda that add knowledge and insurance to our practice as Yoga Teachers and practitioners.

After practice in Mani 2014
After practice in Mani 2014




(Once we receive your Registration Form, a link for payment through Paypal Link will be sent to you. If you wish to pay by check, please note that in your Registration Form along with your telephone number.)


  • June 26: Drive to Mani and settle in. Evening, welcome and orientation.
  • June 27-July 5 (9 days):
  • 7:30-9:15AM: Morning Practice
  • 9:15: Light morning repast: Fruits, cereals, porridge, tea/coffee
  • 10-11:30AM: Ayurveda lecture.
  • Noon: Lunch
  • 1-4: Free Time
  • Our one group beach excursion will be on one of these days and will start after lunch and extend into the late evening.
  • 4-6PM: Afternoon Practice
  • 6:30-8PM: Dinner.
  • 8-10PM: Satsang (led in turns by Vivi (meditation), Ashley (kirtan), Arun (talk on yoga/tantra/ayurveda)
  • July 6: Morning practice. Brunch and closing circle. Drive back to Athens



Arun Deva


Dear friend,

It has been a while since I have written. There is so much being written and shared out there anyway, so the ability to just listen for a while got to me.

Also, there was not much to share in terms of events in the life of Yogarasayana, my alter ego. Or rather, my teacher and practitioner persona.

It is not that there has not been a lot going on. We finished the Yogarasayana India 2016: Forest Sage Retreat auspiciously. A lovely group of students and friends sharing some yoga sutra of Patanjali, some jungle time, some Ganges time and some all around good times.

On coming back, I headed to Phoenix to spend time with the students of the lovely Mary Bruce and Lorilee Gilmore, my hosts. The topic was Psychology of a Sage. So you can see where my head is these days…On coming back, I headed to Phoenix to spend time with the students of the lovely Mary Bruce and Lorilee Gilmore, my hosts. The topic was Psychology of a Sage. So you can see where my head is these days…
Read the related article Psychology of a Sage: Activating Higher Functional States here.

And of course the LA Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy Clinic has been in session and has kept me busier than ever.

Then of course there has been all the other stuff that we all shared. The uncertain becoming even more uncertain, definitely a disturbed vata trend. And I believe to some extent, we are all a little shell shocked and a little worn out by events not just here in the USA, but all around the world.

Storm Clouds

Perhaps some quiet is called for. Some time to turtle up, huddle into a shell and examine who we are in there. I feel fortunate that in these difficult times, I have these ancient yogic teachings that I can fall back on. Those that talk about who I am when I move past who I am sure I am: because I know I am flesh and blood, lifeforce, a mind, some intelligence and even some happiness when I allow it. When I say to myself, yes indeed this is me. But it is not lasting. This is the mortal me. It changes just like my world changes. And it is best not to get too attached to this me nor to the world it lives in.

Best to go looking for the me that is not mortal. The one that does not suffer. The one that is also you. It is there we fall in love with each other and everything else mortal. In fact, that is the simplest description I can give of Tantra, of Buddhism, and of the Upanishadic Vedanta. And it is from that place that I continue to grow this love that trumps all the hate I may exude, share, witness when I do not allow myself to be. Just. Quiet.

Arun File - 03

Even in this conversation we are having. To encourage you to join me in this quiet. Where we are a shared Being. Not separate except in our mortal lives. And that is as it should be. Where we can enjoy each other, admire each other, help each other and give each other space when we get under each others skins.

But this is getting long in the tooth. So I will stop here.

I have a quieter year planned for 2017. We shall see how that plays out. Perhaps I will still come to your hometown. However, I do encourage you to join me in any of the below and meet each other too.

There are three teaching Retreats planned:

April: Yoga Practices for Emotional Intelligence: CLICK HERE
Sivananda Yoga Farm, Grass Valley, CA. April 7-9, 2017


This time around, it is less theory and almost all practicum. So, you actually get a taste for why I keep teaching this stuff. This Emotional Intelligence Stuff. The stuff that when functioning clearly, innocently, joyously leads to clear, innocent, joyous thinking and thus actions. Those that support us instead of bushwhacking us. Every. Single. Time.

June/July: The Art and Practice of Vinyasa Krama Yoga with Ayurveda: Zen Rocks, Mani, Greece. REGISTRATION COMING SOON! INFO: ADRETREATS@GMAIL.COM

Ever since I started studying with Ramaswami Sir, back in 2004/5, I knew I would need to teach this miraculous way of practicing. But I also knew I had to wait till it came in my voice. Obviously Ayurveda infused. Here we go. Serious Practitioners and all Yoga Teachers. This is for you.

Sept/October: Yogarasayana India Retreat 2017! Into the Stories.

This Retreat is in the Planning Stage but this is how it is shaping up:
Two sections:
A Southern India portion that includes Somatheeram Ayurveda Beach Resort, Kerala, for a week of pampering and Ayurvedic treatments and then a week of travel around some of my favorite places down south. Such as Mahabalipuram, Pondicherry, Arunachala.
A Northern India portion that starts with the birthplace of Lord Krishna; continues to the Taj Mahal and then wanders into Rajasthan, and into some legendary temple, wildlife and archeological sites. Along the way we will talk about the teachings of Lord Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita, the meaning of Tantra which in itself can be quite evasive to pin down and stories from India’s mythological past.
A total of two weeks in Southern India. And one week in the North. Do just two weeks or do it all.

If you are interested in this Retreat, please write to and you will be put on an Early Announcement Letter with a Special Price Offer.

Meanwhile, I bask in your friendship,

Arun Deva

Psychology Of A Sage

The Forest Sage India Retreat 2016! click here for info 
In this years India Retreat we have chosen to study the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali. In the forests.Where time may allow us to drift back. To where they may have first been heard. And we may receive the deeper secrets.
Early Bird Pricing ends May 31st!
Upcoming Events:

Psychology of the Sages Memorial Day weekend. San Juan Capistrano. 

A sage is hidden deep within us, buried under the overload of our conditioning. We just have to dig deep and there she is!

The Wise Day June 23-26. Temecula. 

Find a safe harbor in the storm. Seek it in the Wise Day.

Every once in a while I tend to ruminate. And muse. Occasionally these run a little long in the tooth and turn into articles. Here is the latest one. Warning, it has a little bit of the rant in it. Sometimes it just comes up. Like when I am drawn to observe our current world situation. Some of that cannot help but leak into all my work lately. Nor are other writers immune to it as I have been noticing. I also am quite aware of the fact that the lotus does have to have a lot of mud to grow in. Its about the sage within us. And how we access her wisdom. If you have a moment, please sit back and enjoy.

Psychology Of A Sage.

Sage is a Middle English word based on an Old French word that translates as “be wise”.  The Latin root is sapere. In Vedic times such wise people were called ŗśi`s, Ones Who See.

Wisdom is conjective. It is whole brain.

The ancient reptilian conjoins with the superior limbic, which conjoins with the mammalian neocortex, which is distinctly developed beyond its rudimentary functions in us humans. This highly developed frontal aspect of our brain is held back in its intelligent functioning by the emotions generated in the limbic configuration and further denied access to the perfect functionality of the instinctual reptilian stem by the stressed out enteric nervous system of our guts. Read more…

The Forest Sage India Retreat 2016!

The Forest Sage India Retreat 2016!
Oct 14-26.
The practice of the yoga sutra

I have, for long, contemplated teaching the yoga sutra’s of Bhagvan Patanjali. Never being ready. Once I visited Jim’s Jungle Retreat I knew this is where I wanted to do it. It was in the forests that they were first heard.
We will practice and meditate on select sutra’s by bringing in an Ayurvedic perspective. So we understand their secrets for extraordinary healing potential.
We will take safaris to visit the animals, birds, forest & jungle, perhaps the local village and the little sleepy town: by jeep, by foot and if you like, by elephant.
In Rishikesh (home of the Ganges and the Seven Sages) we will do evening prayers on the river, perhaps shoot some rapids on her feisty water, visit a very special Shiva Temple, delve a little more into Ayurveda, visit the evening bazaar and umm, the Beatles Ashram.
-Arun Deva

Come join Jutta Hecht, Anjali Deva and me for the Forest Sage India 2016! Retreat. This is an intimate, space limited retreat***

To sign up or inquire: write


Oct 14th: Arrive Delhi early morning. Humayun’s Tomb and Janpath Market

Oct 15: Early morning drive to Jim’s Jungle Retreat in Corbett National Park


Oct 15-21: Corbett National Park.
Daily activity:
Morning yoga/Jeep Safari
Workshop: Yoga Sutra Patanjali
Hi Tea
Evening Pranayama /Jungle Walk
(Optional activities include Elephant Safari & Bird Watching Tour)

Oct 22: Drive to Rishikesh. Evening River Puja on the Ganges

Oct 23: Shiva Temple and the Beatles Museum/Intro to Ayurveda/Pranayama
Oct 24: Morning yoga. Free day. (River Rafting option or visit Ananda Spa). Evening Puja at Parmath Niketana.

Oct 25: Morning yoga. Ayurveda Daily Living Talk. Drive to Haridvar to catch the evening train to Delhi. Arrive Delhi late night.
Oct 26: Delhi: Sightseeing/shopping. Lotus Temple and Khan Market

Oct 27: Early morning flight/Retreat ends.

To sign up or inquire: write

Early Bird Special Till May 30th:  $3750
A deposit* of $500 will insure your price till July 1st.
After May 30th: $4250
All payments** must be completed by August 1st
After July 15, prices will rise to meet additional costs of late room and transportation bookings.
*Deposits are refundable at $250 till August 1st, after August 1st no refunds will be issued.
** No payments will be refunded after August 1st. All unfinished deposits will not be refunded nor applicable to offered prices but subject to new prices based on additional costs of late room and transportation bookings.
*** This Retreat focuses on the practice of self-inquiry based on the study of the yoga sutra of Patanjali and the wisdom of Ayurvedic living.

To sign up or inquire: write

Fine Print:
The above prices include the following:

  • All group travel as stated. Any personally requested additional travel would be at your cost
  • Airport pick up and drop off
  • Lectures, yoga, pranayama with Arun, Jutta and Anjali. Any personal consultations will be subject to time, availability and additional cost.


  • Shared Double Occupancy Luxury Cottages
    (Some cottages sleep 4 based on double occupancy per room. We will fill these last or use for family occupancy). (Please note, that the surcharge for single occupancy is substantially high)
  • 2 Jungle Safaris per person (by Jeep) (Optional Elephant Safari available at cost)
  • Afternoon Jungle Walks
  • Yoga Sutra Studies 
  • Morning Yoga
  • Evening Pranayama
  • Includes one massage per person (additional massages arranged at discounted prices)
  • All meals (includes Brunch, Hi Tea and Dinner)
  • Refreshments available in between meals including all non alcoholic drinks
  • Laundry services
  • Please note: Jungle Jim’s Retreat is WiFi free


  • Shared Double Occupancy Rooms (Single Occupancy may be available at additional cost. Please inquire)
  • Breakfast
  • All group transfers, sightseeing and excursions as mentioned. (includes Neelkantha Shiva Temple and Beatles Ashram if open)
  • All currently applicable taxes.
  • Visit to Neelkantha Shiva Temple and Beatles Ashram
  • Evening Puja at Ganges

What is NOT included:

  • Airfare/travel not specifically included above, including to/from your own starting and ending destinations, whether in the Americas, Europe, India or elsewhere.
  • Tipping. (We will pool tips for Group Tipping wherever applicable. We estimate this to work out to around $100 total per person)
  • Additional costs you may incur as a result of taking this trip including but not limited to passports, visas and other incidentals.
  • Additional incidentals you may incur such as laundry (except at Jim’s Jungle retreat), phone calls, internet, alcoholic beverages, any foods or drinks not specifically covered above, or any items of a personal nature that are not expressly mentioned above.
  • All meals not expressly mentioned above. (Exclusions include lunches and dinners outside of Jim’s Jungle Retreat)
  • Any transportation not expressly included above.
  • Any additional expenditure not expressly covered above whether of an individual nature or voluntarily as part of a group. No additional expenditure will be required of you that is not voluntary and not covered above.
With light,
Arun, Jutta and Anjali

To sign up or inquire: write